Tamworth a Town With a Logistical Advantage

Where is Tamworth?

Tamworth was the capital of the Anglo Saxon Kingdom of Mercia. Today it is the second largest town in Staffordshire behind Stoke on Trent. Logistics is one of the town’s major industries. The kingdom of Mercia controlled about half of the country including the Wessex regions. The meeting point of two large rivers the Tame and Anker placed the old Tamworth at the centre of trade and industry. The same way its logistics industry does in today's modern world of IT (Information Technology). Tamworth the old seat of the Saxon Kings is now a market town that has always had a logistical advantage. In the middle ages the bridges over the rivers helped Tamworth retain its importance as a trade centre.

A keyboard is the focus of the image with the users hands visible typing.

Reduce your IT charges by utilising remote support

IT support companies use remote support daily to assist their clients. It has been found to be a very efficient and economical means to keep businesses working. If staff are having difficulty with their computer or using a particular program, support staff can connect remotely to assist. Remote support is charged at a lower rate and in 15 minute intervals. Read more

A screenshot of the Windows update installer with a progress bar indicating that updates are in progress.

9 days left to claim your free Windows 10 upgrade

By now, you have probably had dozens of reminders and notifications, badgering you to upgrade your machine to Windows 10. It can often be daunting upgrading to a new platform as there are many questions up in the air. Read more

A woman writing on a white screen, The theme of what she is drawing is the cloud.

The Crypto locker virus and why you should care

You might be mistaken for thinking that Crypto Locker virus is some kind of illness you might get. It’s actually a lot more sinister than that! Crypto Locker Virus is a particularly nasty type of computer virus that targets computers running Microsoft Windows. It’s not YOU that needs to be afraid, it’s your PC. Read more

A computer user connecting a USB stick to the side of their laptop.

8 steps to PC maintenance heaven

The vast majority of people pay very little attention to PC maintenance. As a result sooner or later their computers either slow down or simply crash with increasing regularity.

The fact is that you don’t need to be a computer expert to keep your machine operating at reasonable efficiency; you simply need to follow 8 simple steps:

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A close up of a computers motherboard showing the resistors and capcitors

IT Birmingham: Computer Upgrades – Is now the time?

Taking the decision to upgrade your computer system is always a difficult one. Most business owners are quite rightly focussed on whether or not an upgrade will be a valid business investment. At the other end of the scale, money that might have been better spent elsewhere. Even setting aside the current economic climate, computer upgrades can be a very tortuous process.

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A disk drive open on the side of computer. There is a disk in the drive.

Google Chromebook – A Different Kind of Laptop

With the world going tablet crazy over the arrival of the Google Chromebook has gone somewhat unnoticed. Launched just over a year ago, Chromebook takes the form of a laptop computer running Google’s Chrome operating system (“OS”). However with a pre-Christmas advertising campaign the previously dormant Chromebook has shot to the top of the best sellers list. Amazon announced the latest Chromebook to be its best selling laptop in the US over the Christmas period and the second best seller in the UK.

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A disk drive open on the side of computer. There is a disk in the drive.

Microsoft Surface, a laptop replacement?

Recent development on Microsoft’s technology into the world of tablet computing is the release of the “Surface’. Looking at its slim form, and comparing it favourably to the more chunky looking laptops, we pose the question, “Is the Microsoft Surface (“the Surface”) a laptop alternative”? Read more

Multiple rounded squares of various densities floating around together. An open hand sits below.

IT support company making headlines

Bean IT is making headlines for the right reasons as the Tamworth Herald charts the rise of our IT support company

Bean IT had a taste of fame last week as they made headlines for all the right reasons! The article outlining the success and growth of Bean I.T. appeared in a recent edition of the Tamworth Herald Read more