Google besides making all their money through AdWords provide an Internet rich with information and relevancy

Who are Google?

Google is an American multinational corporation that provides internet related services. Most of Google's profits are derived from Google AdWords. AdWords allows businesses to gain web based interest through prominent ad placement in search results. Google was started in 1996 as a project by PHD students Larry Page and Sergey Brin. Rather than using keyword analysis to define a website they wanted to devise a system that would use backlinks (links through to a particular website form another) to define the importance of a websites content. This system was called PageRank. It is the algorithm used by Google search today. If a web page is linked to another page with high PageRank it receives a high PageRank itself. Google and its algorithm was launched on the Google domain in 1998. In 2010 Google received over 1 billion unique monthly visitors. Their revenue from advertising now stands at $50 billion a year

A computer user sat at a desk with one hand on a mouse another on the keyboard.

Information Technology Services

In life there are some things that everyone else seems to understand to the extent that you feel rather foolish asking about them. We’re going to try to explain one of them, namely IT (Information Technology) services, so here we go. Read more