Built on top of the Linux Kernel, Ubuntu Linux is becomming an increasingly popular alternative to Microsoft Windows.

What is Ubuntu?

Ubuntu is derived from an African word meaning humanity to others. Another meaning is ‘I am what I am because of who we all are. The development of Ubuntu Linux started in 2004. Unlike Linux which has both commercial and non-commercial releases Ubuntu is free all the way through. Ubuntu is built on the back of an earlier Linux OS called Debian and relies on a graphical shell called Unity. Unity was initially designed as a space manager for devices with limited screen space. Ubuntu Linux versions have free support for up to nine months after release with new software releases every six months. The South African company behind Ubuntu, Canonical, make their money through Ubuntu related products and technical support.

The back of a server rack showing all the different ports and cables.

Why should I consider a server for my business or home office?

What is a server? 

A server is commonly a dedicated computer, offering centralised services to the network. The server receives requests from the client PCs e.g. your or your colleague’s computer, and serves the request back to the requesting computer.   Read more

An abstract depiction of database table structure and a flow from each key to another table.

The 6 major benefits of having your own network server

In the past having your own network server has often been seen as the preserve of much larger, more complex organisations. These days many small and medium sized businesses are seeing the advantages of owning a server.

Below are listed 6 of the key benefits that you will enjoy by investing in a network server: Read more

Multiple rounded squares of various densities floating around together. An open hand sits below.

Can Open Source Software Save You Money

IT systems can often represent a material element of a business’s overhead budget. It is essential during tough economic times to keep costs under control. One solution that deserves further investigation is the use of open source software.

Open source solutions for server operating systems and desktop applications could save thousands of pounds per year in licensing costs. Free server operating systems such as the Cent OS Linux platform can potentially dispense with costly and confusing licensing systems completely and can, even on older hardware, run more efficiently than their Microsoft alternatives.
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