Computer viruses can affect a companies efficiency and productivity. Many modern computer viruses can only be identified by the symptoms, not all computer viruses can be detected.

What are Computer Viruses?

Viruses are computer programs that have the ability to duplicate and install themselves on computers without the consent of the computer user. Viruses can do a lot more than just prevent a computer from operating properly. They can have a range of functions that span from the ability to send Spam Mail through to extracting and sharing personal information.

The installation of anti-virus software such as Norton 360 should be enough to catch nearly all viruses. However some can go undetected. Microsoft’s operating systems are the most frequently targeted by the manufacturers of computer viruses. Computer viruses spread in three different ways:

  1. Removable media
  2. Downloads from the Internet
  3. Email attachment

Infection in the majority of cases can be avoided by always having an active subscription to an anti-virus software vendor and ensuring that the software is turned on. All downloads and attachments should be scanned before opening and as a rule of thumb do not open attachments from people you do not know or from emails you were not expecting. Also stay safe on the web and use a site advisor, it will help you determine the safety any content you might want to download.

There are four main types of computer virus. Program viruses attach themselves to a programs executable file, Macro viruses attach themselves to the actual file a program uses, Boot sector viruses execute when the computer is turned on and Trojan Horses allow hackers to have direct access to your hard drive and all its programs and files.

A finger touching the center of an iconised target. Adjacent to this is the text Ransomware.

Ransomware: Are you protected?

Encryption viruses (Ransomware) are on the increase and have become a real problem!

We live in a digital era where we rely heavily on our mobile phones, computers, laptops, tablets and other digital devices to see us through our day to day lives. Recently, the US and Canadian government issued a joint cyber alert, warning computer users about the surge in ransomware attacks. Read more

Free Anti-Virus Products

The dangers and illegality of using free anti-virus products

When our computers are constantly under threat from spyware, malware and Trojans, we need reliable anti-virus protection. Once a virus has an iron like grip on your pc it’s going to take a professional to remove it successfully, and restore any damaged files. If you’ve fallen foul of a virus, you may have been told to get decent anti-virus software to protect your computer. You’re hard up so you download one of the many free anti-virus products out there. Sorted. But are you? Read more

A close up of an image on a computer screen displaying the text Virus Alert.

Anti-Virus Packages: Two aren’t always better than one!

Why aren’t two anti-virus packages better than one?

Manufacturers design their Anti- virus packages to work independently. This means if you have more than one it can actually be counter-productive as it might cause confusion for both. This could stop the software effectively locating and removing viruses. We recommend that you never have more than one anti -virus software package installed at any time. This way, you will effectively scan and monitor your system to ensure nothing is out of the ordinary. If both anti-virus packages are scanning the same location, one will not be able to access the file because it’s already in use, making the second redundant.  Read more

A close up of an image on a computer screen displaying the text Virus Alert.

Centrally managed anti-virus products

We all have a reasonable understanding of what an antivirus product is and what it does. Few of us know what centrally managed anti-virus products are, and if this something to be considered as an alternative to downloadable retail programmes? Read more

A woman writing on a white screen, The theme of what she is drawing is the cloud.

The Crypto locker virus and why you should care

You might be mistaken for thinking that Crypto Locker virus is some kind of illness you might get. It’s actually a lot more sinister than that! Crypto Locker Virus is a particularly nasty type of computer virus that targets computers running Microsoft Windows. It’s not YOU that needs to be afraid, it’s your PC. Read more

Multiple rounded squares of various densities floating around together. An open hand sits below.

Computer Viruses and Other “Nasties”.

We are all aware of the threat of viruses to our computers, but what are the differences between the three main types which are generally described as, worms, Trojan horses and blended threats? Many people group them altogether under the title ‘computer viruses’ and it’s true they are all malicious programmes that can cause varying amounts of harm to your computer, but the truth is viruses, worms and Trojan horses are significantly different to each other. Understanding these differences can help you protect your computer against them. Read more