Data recovery can save a business valuable time and money. Data recovery from a broken OS or faulty computer is never an impossibility.

What is Data Recovery?

The term data recovery explains itself. It is the recovery of data, in many instances from an inaccessible device or device software. For example the data required may be on a hard disk drive, solid state drive or USB flash drive. In most cases data recovery can involve the retrieval of data from broken computers or computers with malfunctioning operating systems.

If the hard drive has not crashed data recovery can be a relatively simple affair. All that would be required would be a caddy and a way of attaching the encased hard drive to another computer for quick and simple file extraction. However if the hard drive itself has stopped working specialised equipment and personnel will be required to retrieve the missing data.

How do you Prevent Data Loss?

Data recovery in case of hard drive failure can be simplified by always having a backup of your files available. These files can be stored using a cloud storage system. If this has not been set up or if the backup was not tested for faults the hard drive will need to have to undergo a components check to isolate the problem behind the loss of data. It is advised that to avoid further data loss that the dismantling and testing of the hard drive is left to professionals such as Bean IT.

Multiple interlinked IT related motifs. Below them the outstretched hand of a business man in a suit.

The importance of business back up in your day to day operations

If you mention back up for business use to anyone, or look it up on a search engine, you may be bombarded by a variety of different methods. If you’re a novice when it comes to cloud storage, or in fact any kind of backup storage then you’ve got a lot to learn. Whatever you decide, as long as you conduct a business back up of your files and you have a good understanding of why it’s so integral to your business, you’ve made the right move. Read more

A close up of a computers motherboard showing the resistors and capcitors

Data Recovery? Leave it to the Experts…

In a busy world, distractions are frequent and accidents inevitably happen. From accidentally deleting a file to a stolen mobile phone or laptop, have you prepared your data should the worst happen? It is important to have a back up in place should you experience data loss or theft. Bean IT’s data recovery service can help get you or your business up and running again in no time.

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