VoIP (Voice over IP) can Reduce telephony Costs

What does VOIP mean?

VoIP is an acronym for Voice over IP. It refers to the technology and method through which the internet, in particular broad band and 4G networks, can be used for voice communications and video messaging. Obvious examples of VoIP applications are Apples FaceTime and Skype. VoIP can also be known as Internet Telephony and Broadband Phone Service. The major commercial development of VoIP started in 2004. Since then many new businesses are opting for VoIP as opposed to conventional telephone copper wire connections.

What makes VOIP so popular?

VoIP is popular because it is perceived to be a system of communication that is very cheap. What is not realised by a lot of individuals and businesses is that VoIP can be free. This is because the phone call is already paid for by the broadband usage the VoIP user subscribes to pay. If you live in North America an app called ‘GrooVe IP’ provides free VoIP via a network called RingTo. There are as yet no free services in the UK; however android users can call from installed app to app. Examples of popular applications with a VoIP service are:

  • Facebook Messenger
  • Google Hangouts
  • KakaoTalk
  • Tango Messenger

IPhone, IPad and IPod users have similar services however these come preinstalled as a service known as FaceTime. Besides video services FaceTime offers an audio service that allows for phone calls between Macintosh devices. All you have to do is ensure that FaceTime is enabled.

Bean IT - VoIP telephones

Using VOIP telephones to reduce telephony costs

It’s important in business to remain in communication, if you regularly find yourself using the telephone to call different offices then VoIP might be the perfect option to reduce costs for your organisation. This system is already widely used in businesses as it’s proven to be a great option with little to no disadvantages. We have created a quick video to tell you more about VoIP phones: Read more

A hand placing a receiver back down on a telephone.

The ins and outs of VOIP

Voice Over IP

What is VoIP (Voice Over IP)? VoIP is a technology that enables one to telephone people via the internet rather than using a regular phone. VoIP stands for Voice over Internet Protocol. The phone calls are relatively cheap and sometimes free. You can call people all over the world from your VoIP handset or PC and other people can call you using either VoIP or an ordinary telephone. Read more