Spam mail can fill your inbox with unwanted clutter. Spam mail has also been used as a marketing tool for many years.

What is Spam Mail?

Spam mail is a form of electronic spam which involves sending nearly identical messages to numerous recipients simultaneously. In many instances these emails can contain attachments that when opened can infect a PC with malware. Botnets and networks of virus infected computers send 80% of spam. A ban on spam is enforced by Internet Service Providers. Spam mail is expensive it is estimated that on a yearly basis it can cost businesses $100 billion. This is through the consumption of resources such as bandwidth. Recent reports estimate that 183 billion spam messages are sent every day. The majority of these, 81%, are pharmacy ads. These usually contain links to sites selling over the counter medication. Spam mail legislation varies by country to country. Many countries, in particular Russia and the majority of African nations, do not place restrictions on the sending of spam

A netbook on a desk. Email motifs are illustrated as moving out of the computer screen.

The Best Ways to Prevent Spam on your computer, laptop or tablet

Ever since the dawn of email there have been spam emails that take up a large amount of email space. These nuances try to sell you a range of unwanted products and services. For most people receiving these emails, it can be very annoying as it populates their inbox with emails they don’t want to read. Fortunately for end users, there are spam filters to help prevent spam. Basic spam filters come with most web browser based email services. If you are using a separate email client you can use a third party spam filter. Read more

The text phishing in the center of an image surrounded by binary sequences.

Email phishing

What does “phishing” actually mean?

Phishing sounds like fishing because that’s what it is. The criminals send out an email as bait to lure you in and once you’re hooked they reel you in. Email phishing is a crime that’s difficult to stop. Those behind it are very clever and manage to evade detection through their use of sophisticated techniques.

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Multiple rounded squares of various densities floating around together. An open hand sits below.

Computer Viruses and Other “Nasties”.

We are all aware of the threat of viruses to our computers, but what are the differences between the three main types which are generally described as, worms, Trojan horses and blended threats? Many people group them altogether under the title ‘computer viruses’ and it’s true they are all malicious programmes that can cause varying amounts of harm to your computer, but the truth is viruses, worms and Trojan horses are significantly different to each other. Understanding these differences can help you protect your computer against them. Read more