DDOS attacks can be held accountable for slow internet connections and loss of network connectivivty

What does DDOS stand for?

DDOS is an abbreviation for denial-of-service attack. This is when a machine or network is made unavailable to its intended users. The first DDOS attack was introduced by a hacker called Khan C Smith. DDOS like some internet services relies on Botnet. A botnet is a group of internet connected programs that communicate with other programs on virus infected computers to perform various tasks. More often than not botnets are used for sending spam mail. The largest botnet used to send 9 billion spam messages a day. Symptoms of a DDOS attack are unusually slow network performances, inability to access the web, unavailability of a certain website and an increase in the amount of spam mail received.

A woman writing on a white screen, The theme of what she is drawing is the cloud.

The Crypto locker virus and why you should care

You might be mistaken for thinking that Crypto Locker virus is some kind of illness you might get. It’s actually a lot more sinister than that! Crypto Locker Virus is a particularly nasty type of computer virus that targets computers running Microsoft Windows. It’s not YOU that needs to be afraid, it’s your PC. Read more