Bean IT\'s latest news is an informative blog about all things server and computer system related. Topics covered include server installation, computer maintenance, computer upgrades and computer virsues.

The Computer and IT Blog

On page one the first few posts focus on security awareness and modern threat detection techniques. Essential topics in this age of increased risk and growing uncertanity. Other subject matter is focussed on upgrading your Microsoft Windows Server, VOIP and where to start to get the right computer support. There are also a number of posts advising on how to make the most of your working day, be it one that involves multiple meetings or working remotely from home.

How to explore the blog?

The blog index page, this page, and the category and tag archive pages all contain a posts featured image, excerpt (an introduction to the posts subject matter) and a read more link. To read the full post that interests you simple click the read more links to go to the artilce itself.

On the right-hand side thare is a sidebar conatining linke to index pages for all the categories and tags that are used to organise the posts. If a particular computer related subject interests you, then these links will take you directly to posts covered by that topic.

Happy reading :)

Businessman and team analyzing financial statement Finance task. with smart phone and laptop and tablet

Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) in Cyber Essentials 

Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR), also known as Endpoint Detection and Threat Response (EDTR) is a security solution which monitors end-user devices, such as laptops or mobile phones, and can also be applied to servers to proactively detect and react to cyber threats such as ransomware and malware. 

What is an Endpoint? 

An endpoint is anything at the end of a network cable or Wi-Fi connection. This could be the laptops or computers used by your workforce, business and personal mobile phones, tablets, servers and anything in the virtual environment. Traditionally, antivirus software has been used to stop viruses and malware on your devices. As technology has progressed and hackers have increased their knowledge, it’s more important than ever to ensure that all of your endpoint devices are considered when planning cyber security. 

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Protection concept. Shield with padlock on dark background. 3d illustration

Cyber Security Essentials: Privacy & Security Program and tools 

Understanding cyber security can be a mine field, but rest assured, there are some basic steps you can take to ensure you’re accounting for privacy concerns and compliance issues, while building a culture of good cybersecurity.  

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Someone holding their mobile phone in their hand. The screen is showing the results of a broadband speed test

7 Things to look out for when choosing a Wi-Fi system 

Today’s society demands a reliable and accessible Wi-Fi system. It’s easy to overlook this when you have so much else to think about in your business. We’ve written a quick guide to help you think about 7 things to look out when you come to choose your Wi-Fi system: 

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An abstract depiction of a server rack.

5 Reasons to Upgrade from Windows Server 2012 

It’s easy to delay upgrading your Server, whether it’s a time commitment or perhaps a knowledge gap and you need some guidance on where to start. Upgrading to the latest version of Server software is essential to ensure that your systems are running smoothly and are secure.  

Windows Server 2012 support will soon be coming to an end. If this isn’t enough of a motivation to get you upgrading to the latest Windows Server solution, here are a few more considerations:  

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A composite image a user typing on their laptop in the background, overlay is some abstract tech orientated motifs.

14 ways to protect your business from a cyber attack 

Cyber attacks are on the rise. It is predicted that one in five small businesses will suffer a cyber breach this year. It has been found that 81% of all breaches happen to small to medium sized businesses so ensuring your data is protected is essential! 97% of breaches could have been prevented with today’s available technology. We have compiled some ideas below for you to consider implementing to help protect your data and avoid a cyber breach: 

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In the background the outline of a user with a tablet. The overlay is an abstract depiction of operations on a set of nodes.

Cyber security hygiene for Small Businesses: Insurer readiness  

How do I demonstrate effective cybersecurity to insurers and what are the minimum requirements? 

Clients are often asked by their insurers to demonstrate how they are meeting standards to ensure they have preventative measures in place and can respond swiftly in the face of an attack. Let us walk you through the Cyber Insurance Industry’s minimum requirements, from Zero-trust to EDR to MFA all the way to simple patch management. 

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An illustration of a hand on a mouse with the text Cyber Insurance contained within a hexagon

Your Guide to Cyber Insurance: Computer support for small businesses  

A data breach can be costly. Not just to your reputation but also monetarily. Cyber Insurance can mitigate the financial impact however, in order to obtain Cyber Insurance for your business, you must demonstrate that your cybersecurity policies and countermeasures are effective. This blog will detail the reasons why Cyber Insurance is imperative for small businesses and how Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) can be implemented. 

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A person using a tablet with a pen.

Small Business Computer Support

If you currently have 5-250 users in your organisation, you will be classified as a small business. That’s quite a vast variation therefore ensuring you have the right small business computer support for your organisation is essential to make sure you scale your business effectively.

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A web ideas relating to the phrase IT Expert.

Business Computer Support

Whether you’re just beginning, or you have been running for some time, ensuring you have the right business computer support for your business is essential for the smooth running of your organisation. A good IT company will ensure your technical support requirements are resolved in a timely manner with the least interruption to your organisation.

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A modern VOIP enabled telephone on a desk.

What is VoIP and how does it work?

Voice over IP (VoIP), or IP telephony, is a technology that enables voice calls to be made using your existing internet connection rather than the traditional method of using a dedicated phone line. One of the biggest benefits is that you don’t have to be confined to the building, property, or even city where you may have originally had a dedicated phone line installed. VoIP allows you to access your phone number from almost anywhere in the world with an internet connection. 

VoIP specifically refers to voice communication services over the internet as opposed to the more traditional dedicated phone line, also known as the public switched telephone network (PSTN) or Plain Old Telephone Service (POTS).

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