Bean IT\'s latest news is an informative blog about all things server and computer system related. Topics covered include server installation, computer maintenance, computer upgrades and computer virsues.

The Computer and IT Blog

On page one the first few posts focus on security awareness and modern threat detection techniques. Essential topics in this age of increased risk and growing uncertanity. Other subject matter is focussed on upgrading your Microsoft Windows Server, VOIP and where to start to get the right computer support. There are also a number of posts advising on how to make the most of your working day, be it one that involves multiple meetings or working remotely from home.

How to explore the blog?

The blog index page, this page, and the category and tag archive pages all contain a posts featured image, excerpt (an introduction to the posts subject matter) and a read more link. To read the full post that interests you simple click the read more links to go to the artilce itself.

On the right-hand side thare is a sidebar conatining linke to index pages for all the categories and tags that are used to organise the posts. If a particular computer related subject interests you, then these links will take you directly to posts covered by that topic.

Happy reading :)

A business person at a desk with a tablet and pen. Some imagery in the foreground designed to bring the mind around to security

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) – Things You Can’t Ignore

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) comes into play among EU states on the 25th April 2018.  The new regulations are reported as the biggest shakeup in data protection for two decades.  GDPR will replace the existing Data Protection Directive 95/46/EC and closes many of its predecessor’s ambiguities. Read more

The back of a server rack showing all the different ports and cables.

Server Solutions – Get The Right Server For Your Small Business

As your business continues to grow, your computing requirements will grow with it. Choosing the right server for your business can be confusing and overwhelming. This article will walk you through the basics and help you decide which server may best suit your company’s needs.

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An abstract image depicting a laptop and various types of available hard drive

Why your Business Runs Better with SSDs

What are Solid State Drives?

Solid state drives (SSD) are a faster, more reliable, and efficient way of storing data on your server, PC, or laptop than the standard hard disk drive (HDD) you probably have at the moment.  To understand why SSDs are so good, let us take a look at how data is stored on your systems at the moment. Read more

Server Support Services

Server Support Services

If you run a small business you likely have a server that controls things like email, printers and databases. It is important that you have server support support systems in place to monitor and ensure your business runs smoothly. Read more

Sharepoint or Server

SharePoint or Server? Which one is Right for your Business?

For a long time businesses only had the option of a server to underpin their IT.  Well maintained servers perform well and provide the support businesses need.  That said they are often physically bulky, needing a dedicated space, and they come with infrastructure and support costs.

This no longer has to be the case, as hosted SharePoint from Microsoft may provide a cheaper alternative to servers.  The question is which one is right for your business. Read more

Server Installation and Server Management

Server Installation and Management

If you are a small to medium sized business that is planning a server installation of a new server, whether they are brand new or part of a system upgrade, you must make sure they are installed and managed correctly.

Server installation is a big job and one that needs careful planning to keep downtime to a minimum. If the server installation process takes longer than it needs to, it will cost your business time and money, neither of which you can afford to lose. Read more


The True Business Cost of CryptoLocker and other Malware

CryptoLocker has cost Business an Estimated $3M USD

CryptoLocker and other viruses often hit the headlines for the disaster they bring both to businesses and the individuals.  Although it is clear that being locked out of your computer is distressing and unpleasant it is only when you realise the far-reaching implications of Cryptolocker that you realise the extent of the damage and the problem. Read more

The back of a server rack showing all the different ports and cables.

Using a Business Server to Facilitate Business Expansion

As your business grows from a one or two person operation into a thriving entity, it makes sense to underpin business expansion with a robust business server.  This will ensure your IT operates well throughout the expansion process and beyond. Read more

A hard drive ejected from the back of a server rack.

Manic Monday: Failed hard drive

It’s Monday morning, you have an important meeting in the next few hours which was booked last minute therefore haven’t had time to plan.

You sit at your desk, poised to start your preparations. You start your computer and you hear a loud beeping sound as your computer crashes. All the data you require for your meeting is on the hard drive and there is no back up of these files. Your biggest concern is a failed hard drive which contains your crucial data. Read more

A technician working on the inside of a computer. The side has been stripped off and the motherboard place on a work unit.

Keep your Business Thriving with an IT Maintenance Contract

An IT maintenance contract is an agreement between your business and a supplier to perform necessary maintenance on your IT systems for a fixed monthly cost.  This has been proven to be more cost effective than fixing issues when they occur. Read more