Bean IT\'s latest news is an informative blog about all things server and computer system related. Topics covered include server installation, computer maintenance, computer upgrades and computer virsues.

The Computer and IT Blog

On page one the first few posts focus on security awareness and modern threat detection techniques. Essential topics in this age of increased risk and growing uncertanity. Other subject matter is focussed on upgrading your Microsoft Windows Server, VOIP and where to start to get the right computer support. There are also a number of posts advising on how to make the most of your working day, be it one that involves multiple meetings or working remotely from home.

How to explore the blog?

The blog index page, this page, and the category and tag archive pages all contain a posts featured image, excerpt (an introduction to the posts subject matter) and a read more link. To read the full post that interests you simple click the read more links to go to the artilce itself.

On the right-hand side thare is a sidebar conatining linke to index pages for all the categories and tags that are used to organise the posts. If a particular computer related subject interests you, then these links will take you directly to posts covered by that topic.

Happy reading :)

A disk drive open on the side of computer. There is a disk in the drive.

Windows 8 – Computer Upgrades for Birmingham

Unless you live in a world without television, radio and internet; I’m sure by now you are aware that a new version of Windows has “hit the streets”! Read more

Multiple rounded squares of various densities floating around together. An open hand sits below.

IT support company making headlines

Bean IT is making headlines for the right reasons as the Tamworth Herald charts the rise of our IT support company

Bean IT had a taste of fame last week as they made headlines for all the right reasons! The article outlining the success and growth of Bean I.T. appeared in a recent edition of the Tamworth Herald Read more