IT support services are dependant on the type of assistance required as much as they are on the size of the business requiring help

What kind of IT Support and Maintenance is available?

IT (Information Technology) support is the assistance to users of various electronic devices that allow for the transmission of information. It is primarily concerned with the maintenance of computer systems and their networks within a business’s infrastructure. This can be either on site or through a remote location. IT support does not concern itself with the training and courses individuals attend or the qualifications they can gain, it normally refers to the solving of a specific problem a person or organisation may be experiencing with their IT infrastructure.

The type of assistance required is dependent on the size of the business. A small business is less likely to have specialised staff whilst a larger business may well have its own team, department or support desk. Where small businesses are concerned IT support from the company that has supplied its IT infrastructure is invaluable in allowing the business to stay efficient and in competition with its closest rivals. When help is required the following aspects of the IT service are usually outsourced by the small business: network setup and administration, network security, desktop support, data backup and recovery and email.

When IT support is outsourced there are four main categories that it can fall into:

  1. Online Self-Help
  2. Subscription Based
  3. Assisted Incident
  4. Contract Based

If a reputable IT company has installed your companies IT services it is likely that they have various types of packages and policies to support the installation of the computer systems. Many companies offer 24/7 care in house or remotely. Online Self Help can resolve some IT support issues. However if you are surfing away from a reputable company’s website there is no way of validating the quality of the information received. Subscription based IT support can allow an IT infrastructure to benefit from essential software upgrades on a regular basis. Assisted incident support can be useful if there is no contract based IT support. It allows for the level of assistance required to be assessed before any financial commitment has to be made.

A keyboard is the focus of the image with the users hands visible typing.

Reduce your IT charges by utilising remote support

IT support companies use remote support daily to assist their clients. It has been found to be a very efficient and economical means to keep businesses working. If staff are having difficulty with their computer or using a particular program, support staff can connect remotely to assist. Remote support is charged at a lower rate and in 15 minute intervals. Read more

A computer user connecting a USB stick to the side of their laptop.

Safe use of memory sticks

Memory sticks are extremely useful, you can take them wherever you go and use them on whichever PC or laptop you happen to be using. It’s win -win all the way, until you lose it or it breaks!

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The text time to upgrade is sitting above a drawing of a clock.

Essential upgrade notification for Windows XP and Office 2003 users

Are you still a Windows XP or Office 2003 fan? If you are still using either of these Microsoft products, read on, and pay careful attention!

Microsoft are requesting all Windows XP and Office 2003 users to upgrade to a newer version by April 2014. If this deadline is missed, there’s a risk of your business losing time and money to bugs and security flaws.

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A close up of a computers motherboard showing the resistors and capcitors

Computer Maintenance – Time for a Spring Clean?

After what has seemed like an eternal winter here in the UK, spring is finally upon us!

Along with the arrival of the first flowers of the season and (for some at least) the annual ritual of cleaning their homes from top to bottom is inevitable. Why not ensure that ALL your computers (both at work and at home) get a “spring clean” too, starting with basic computer maintenance? Read more

Multiple rounded squares of various densities floating around together. An open hand sits below.

IT support company making headlines

Bean IT is making headlines for the right reasons as the Tamworth Herald charts the rise of our IT support company

Bean IT had a taste of fame last week as they made headlines for all the right reasons! The article outlining the success and growth of Bean I.T. appeared in a recent edition of the Tamworth Herald Read more