Server Installation is as much about the installation of server hardware as it is the selection and installation of the most appropiate server software

What is a Server?

A web server is a computer system that processes requests made via HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol). Web servers are primarily used to host websites. User Agents send requests to the server and the server either returns the requested data or an error message. The behaviour of a web server can be controlled using a server language such as PHP (Hypertext Pre-processor) or ASP (Active Server Pages). Physicists at CERN (The European Centre for Nuclear Research) created a browser called WordWideWeb (Hence www) and the first webserver known as CERNhttp in 1982.

what Type of Server do i Require?

Server Installation depends on the type of server required. Is the server for the purposes of centralising file sharing within an office or home environment or is it to deliver information via the internet and HTTP requests. Depending on the size of the business the setting up of a web server can require both hardware and software. The type of hardware required depends on how much data the web server is expected to process. With the correct software a low volume web server can be ran from your own PC. However a business with a high data volume may require the installation of specialist web server technology. The two most popular types of web server software programs are the Apache Web Server and Microsoft Internet Information Services.

The back of a server rack showing all the different ports and cables.

Why should I consider a server for my business or home office?

What is a server? 

A server is commonly a dedicated computer, offering centralised services to the network. The server receives requests from the client PCs e.g. your or your colleague’s computer, and serves the request back to the requesting computer.   Read more

An abstract depiction of database table structure and a flow from each key to another table.

The 6 major benefits of having your own network server

In the past having your own network server has often been seen as the preserve of much larger, more complex organisations. These days many small and medium sized businesses are seeing the advantages of owning a server.

Below are listed 6 of the key benefits that you will enjoy by investing in a network server: Read more

A disk drive open on the side of computer. There is a disk in the drive.

Windows Server Licensing

When it comes to Windows server licensing, Microsoft has never made things easy.

Choosing the correct licensing for a windows server is a minefield. Do you need a CAL (client access license)? If you do, is that a user or device CAL per server or perhaps per seat mode? It’s already getting complicated and we haven’t even touched on server applications

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Multiple chip boards lined up together on a mother board

Server Installation for businesses and home offices

It’s fair to say that most small businesses aim to become bigger businesses. As your business grows, if you haven’t already got one, you’ll need a server. Unless you’re a technical whiz kid, you’ll probably need a little help with the server installation. For most of us, the journey starts with a few office PC’s and ends with a server based system can be a culture shock to say the least. In this article, we will briefly explore some of the options available so you can start thinking through the process of planning your server installation. Read more