Anonymous are gaining popularity with their numerous publicity stunts. Does an Anonymous hacker help anyone apart from themselves?

What is Anonymous?

Anonymous are a group of computer activists that are associated with the wearing of Guy Fawkes masks. The group has been developing its own publicity with DDOS attacks on government, corporate and religious websites. An Anonymous hacker has a mandate which is derived from a collective sense moral injustice. They have been branded as cyber terrorists by the American Church of Scientology. Other descriptions have been ‘cyber lynch mob’ of ‘freedom fighters’. Groups associated with Anonymous such as LulzSec have following exposure arranged with the FBI to hack the computers of activists. The founder of LulzSec Hector Xavier Monsegur was sentenced to 124 years in prison for hacking servers owned by the American Government. Time served with the FBI reduced this to one year’s parole. It might be considered that groups like anonymous help make the web a safer place through highlighting security flaws in many of the world’s computer systems.

A series of padlocks across the middle of the screen. The middle one is locked and in a more vibrant colour.

10 simple ways to protecting yourself from cyber hackers

Often within our IT infrastructure, we manage our IT issues and frustrations with crisis management rather than a proactive approach. This is frequently the case with data backup and we are quick to find excuses as to why we aren’t taking the best precautions: I’ll do it later; I don’t have time now; it’s too expensive; it’s too difficult; … Read more

A close up of an image on a computer screen displaying the text Virus Alert.

Centrally managed anti-virus products

We all have a reasonable understanding of what an antivirus product is and what it does. Few of us know what centrally managed anti-virus products are, and if this something to be considered as an alternative to downloadable retail programmes? Read more

A computer user connecting a USB stick to the side of their laptop.

Safe use of memory sticks

Memory sticks are extremely useful, you can take them wherever you go and use them on whichever PC or laptop you happen to be using. It’s win -win all the way, until you lose it or it breaks!

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A computer user sat at a desk with one hand on a mouse another on the keyboard.

Computer Security – Beating the Blaggers and Hackers

How secure are your personal and business secrets and assets? According to the press, there are people who get paid thousands of pounds to hack computers and mobile phones. These hackers don’t mind if you’re a business or personal user, if you’ve got valuable information, they want it. Computer Security is therefore imperative to the survival of your business.

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