About beanadmin

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But we are proud to say that beanadmin contributed 82 entries already.

Entries by beanadmin

Get Agile. Get Clients. Get VoIP!

VoIP or Voice over Internet Protocol facilitates voice communications similar to an ordinary phone.  Skype is arguably the most famous VoIP system in the world.  Hosted systems, however, offer a range of features that allow you to take calls, providing you have an internet connection.  This includes taking calls on smartphones and mobile devices.  Providing […]

Embrace Office 365 and Increase Business Agility

Microsoft’s Office 365 is its world-famous office suite of applications made for the mobile age.  Since its inception in mid-2013, it has been warmly received by industry, worldwide.  Embracing Office 365 will give you more flexibility, productivity, and give you the capability to complete work while travelling.  You will increase your business agility and with […]

The Importance of Server Maintenance

Every single computer in your office will run on a network, which is controlled by your server(s), which means you must maintain your server if you want your network and computers to run smoothly. If you don’t maintain your server you can expect slow performing computers, outdated software causing problems to the day to day […]

Ransomware: What should I do now?

If your computer becomes infected with ransomware, this can be particularly vicious. If you haven’t got the correct strategies in place, can have devastating consequences. One of the most common questions we get asked about ransomware is, “What do I do now?”

Utilising remote server support, optimise employee time and save money

Server support engineers do not always need to be in house/ on site. Most server support is possible by logging in to your computer remotely. Remote server support is when someone can login to your servers from a different location. Once logged in, they can perform various maintenance and administration tasks including housekeeping, troubleshooting, backups and […]

Ransomware: Are you protected?

Encryption viruses (Ransomware) are on the increase and have become a real problem! We live in a digital era where we rely heavily on our mobile phones, computers, laptops, tablets and other digital devices to see us through our day to day lives. Recently, the US and Canadian government issued a joint cyber alert, warning […]

Can I have the Wi-Fi password: The risks

We have all done it, you go for a coffee with a friend, out for dinner with the family or you’re waiting for a product or service and you ask; ‘Can I have the Wi-Fi password?’ Whilst it seems harmless from the outside, and a service which we have become accustomed to when out and […]

Advice on what to use to backup company data

Backing up your data is crucial when you consider the risks of losing it. Many businesses after suffering a complete loss of data struggle to stay open after this. There are many ways to backup company data. Whatever the current financial situation of your business, you should always backup your data in some way.