About beanadmin

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But we are proud to say that beanadmin contributed 82 entries already.

Entries by beanadmin

The ins and outs of VOIP

Voice Over IP What is VoIP (Voice Over IP)? VoIP is a technology that enables one to telephone people via the internet rather than using a regular phone. VoIP stands for Voice over Internet Protocol. The phone calls are relatively cheap and sometimes free. You can call people all over the world from your VoIP […]

Email phishing

What does “phishing” actually mean? Phishing sounds like fishing because that’s what it is. The criminals send out an email as bait to lure you in and once you’re hooked they reel you in. Email phishing is a crime that’s difficult to stop. Those behind it are very clever and manage to evade detection through their […]

The Crypto locker virus and why you should care

You might be mistaken for thinking that Crypto Locker virus is some kind of illness you might get. It’s actually a lot more sinister than that! Crypto Locker Virus is a particularly nasty type of computer virus that targets computers running Microsoft Windows. It’s not YOU that needs to be afraid, it’s your PC.

8 steps to PC maintenance heaven

The vast majority of people pay very little attention to PC maintenance. As a result sooner or later their computers either slow down or simply crash with increasing regularity. The fact is that you don’t need to be a computer expert to keep your machine operating at reasonable efficiency; you simply need to follow 8 […]

Do Small Business Servers Increase Efficiency?

As a small business expands, it can often be difficult to make new technology available to all employees in all the relevant locations. This is when it’s good to start thinking about a small business server. The installation of a small business server creates access to all company documents. This includes e-mail, calendars, images and […]

Computer Security – Beating the Blaggers and Hackers

How secure are your personal and business secrets and assets? According to the press, there are people who get paid thousands of pounds to hack computers and mobile phones. These hackers don’t mind if you’re a business or personal user, if you’ve got valuable information, they want it. Computer Security is therefore imperative to the […]

Data Recovery? Leave it to the Experts…

In a busy world, distractions are frequent and accidents inevitably happen. From accidentally deleting a file to a stolen mobile phone or laptop, have you prepared your data should the worst happen? It is important to have a back up in place should you experience data loss or theft. Bean IT’s data recovery service can help […]

Can Open Source Software Save You Money

IT systems can often represent a material element of a business’s overhead budget. It is essential during tough economic times to keep costs under control. One solution that deserves further investigation is the use of open source software. Open source solutions for server operating systems and desktop applications could save thousands of pounds per year in licensing costs. […]